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Student Research Guide WQ24/ Effects of Tiktok's Short Form Algorithm

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Mattie Jones

Major Findings From This Research


Major Research Takeaways


Based on my research, several key findings emerged regarding TikTok's impact on teenagers. One significant observation is the high prevalence of addiction among teens, which can be attributed to the platform's ability to deliver personalized, shorter videos tailored to individual interests. Additionally, the inclusion of filters, sounds, and the desire for social recognition contribute to this addictive nature. These features lead to notable changes in how teens spend their time online. The role of TikTok's artificial intelligence algorithm is also noteworthy, as it suggests content based on user preferences, creating "filter bubbles" and "echo chambers" that limit exposure to diverse perspectives. This can lead to potential exposure to sensitive or false information. Prolonged use of TikTok has been associated with negative effects on mental health, including depression, social anxiety, and also inducing stress. Research also indicated that it is crucial to raise awareness about the long-term consequences of TikTok on teenagers' well-being and to ensure that users are informed about the algorithm's influence. These findings highlight the need for further examination and consideration of the implications of TikTok on teens.

Summarized & Bulleted List of Major Research Takeaways


  • High levels of addiction to TikTok among teens
  • Shorter form videos that are tailored to user's interests
  • TikTok uses filters, sounds, and appeals to social recognition, attracting a teen user base 
  • TikTok's AI algorithm suggests content based on user preferences 
  • Creates "Filter bubbles" and "echo chambers" that limit exposure to diverse perspectives
  • Presents potential exposure to sensitive or false information
  • Imposes negative effects on mental health, including depression, anxiety, and stress. 
  • Changes the way teens spend their time because of their excessive use of the platform
  • Need for awareness and understanding of TikTok's algorithm to aid in mitigating its effects

Research Advice and Reflection


Advice for Future Researchers: 


-Determine what types of sources will be able to provide the best information on your topic: It is important to consider the credibility and expertise of the authors/organizations of the sources you are researching. This way, you can ensure sources are reputable. I would recommend looking for scholarly articles, books, government publications, and even videos. The amount of these different types of sources could vary depending on how relevant, specific, or new your topic is. Scholarly articles, for example, can take months up to several years to publish about a topic, therefore you may not find a sufficient amount of them depending on how recent your topic is!

-Consider narrowing or generalizing your searches: I had to split up my searches to be more general (for example using the keyword "social media" instead of "TikTok"), or more specific (searching up "TikTok and Covid-19 pandemic"), to piece together information to cover the topic. Looking at the abstracts and/or the summaries of sources was a great way for me to find out if a source provided the right information I needed.

- Find relevant data & statistics for your research (if it applies): The Pew Research Center was a great source for specific statistics on different sections I was researching (statistics showing the COVID-19 pandemic boosting the user base of TikTok, data on the general amount of people who use TikTok, and data on the amount of teens spending time on the platform, etc!).

- Keep an open & unbiased mind with sources: It would be good practice to not focus on solely the negative or positive opinions on a topic, as you can gain a more comprehensive understanding on your topic by keeping an open mind to all perspectives. I also noticed that throughout my research, some sources with a negative stance on TikTok also provided positives about the platform, and vice versa!

Reflection on Research Experience: 

The Process: My research process was a journey of discovering bits and pieces about many aspects of TikTok. I dove deep into various sources, explored different perspectives, and pieced together information to gain a comprehensive understanding of my topic.  

Issues & Fall backs: Initially, I got hung up looking for sources on my topic. Due to the newness and specificity of my topic, there were not a lot of sources that directly addressed it. So I had to get kind of creative with my search strategies by exploring both sources on specific parts of my topic and sources that discussed generalized information on my topic. I was able to find some different keywords and utilized different databases to find sources sufficient for these areas. 

Best Part: The best part of researching was investigating a topic that truly interests me. It was exciting as I got to explore new ideas, gain knowledge, and develop a deeper understanding on how TikTok works and how it influences those who use it. I find myself being a lot more conscious about the way I use TikTok and other social media sites after researching this topic. 

How my Interest in the Topic Changed throughout my Research: Initially I was more focused on the surface level aspects of my topic, but after investigating it more deeply I found nuances and connections in the topic that captivated me even more. I was also initially more focused on talking about the negatives of my topic, but as I explored different angles and gathered more information, I gained a broader understanding on how complex and how many nuances there are to TikTok and internet usage in general. I found it important to address how TikTok is taking steps to make the platform a better place for teens while still addressing how despite their efforts, TikTok is continuing to have negative effects on teens that should be looked into. 

Additional, Personal Reflections: I love challenges, and researching this topic was a difficult one to figure out! I really had to take the time to piece together information in draft form, change the way it was organized, and work towards developing a cohesive and comprehensive cover of the topic. Over the next few months or years, I think that more sources will be available about the TikTok and its effects, making researching this specific topic and topics alike more simple. With that being said, I think TikTok is a very nuanced but great social media platform to research if you're interested in investigating the internet and how it impacts society.


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