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ChatGPT and Generative AI

Resources and information on ChatGPT and Generative AI

SVC Library OneSearch

To do a search in SVCs Library Catalog, try the following steps:

  • When doing research on a topic, the more specific the terms entered into a search box, the fewer results you will get. 
  • Good practice means that you may have to experiment with your terms and use the results you find to help you hone in on the best ones for your needs.
  • Combine 2 terms with the word AND to refine a search
  • Use OR between to words to search for 2 related options 
  • For more information on searching in OneSearch, watch this video

Below is an example of what some search terms look like in a list of results in OneSearch. 

You can see that there are mulitple sources and formats:


Artificial Intelligence




Generative AI

Machine learning

SVC Databases for Research

To do a search in SVC Research databases:

Try some of the keywords and search terms listed in the box above in the suggested SVC research databases, or choose your own from the list of Databases A-Z:

Books from the library

All Content CC-BY.
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