A keyword is a simple term, or word, that is used to explore what results a source can provide on a topic.
Different sources will provide different results using the same word.
If a keyword doesn't "unlock" the results you want, try another!
Using "Boolean Operators" - AND, OR, NOT can create more specific search terms.
OR = more
Use OR with synonyms or similar search terms. Each record in the results must include AT LEAST ONE of the terms
AND = less
Use AND to combine search terms for different concepts. Each record in the results must include BOTH terms
NOT = don't include
Use NOT to eliminate words that you DON'T want to show up in your results
This form shows an example of how to identify, combine, and use different terms to make an effective search. You can use the link below to print your own form.
Click on the link above for a blank keyword form.
For example: "factory farms", "industrial waste", "young adults", "service animals", "social media"
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