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Sights & Sounds of Society: Art & Music Research Guide: Websites
This guide is created for the Sights & Sounds Learning Community.
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A few useful websites to get you started on your research.
Comprehensive music blog with news, reviews and more
American Folklife Collections Online
From the Library of Congress, collections of American folk and traditional music.
British Library Music Collection
Find historical music examples from the British Library; some collections are available online.
ChoralNet: The Internet Center for Choral Music
Downloadable Blank Music Sheets
Allows for download of blank sheet music in a variety of formats, including treble, bass, alto, tenor, piano.
IAWM: International Alliance for Women in Music
Indiana University Sound Recordings Online
Thousands of audio recordings from Indiana University. Online concerts for a variety of genres.
Library of Congres National Jukebox
Freely available collection of historic recordings from various Library of Congress collections.
Search Google Scholar
World Music
African Music Archives
From Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GermanyThe regional focus is on Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania.
Anthropology of Music
From Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. Features African Music Archives
Archive of Maori and Pacific Music Collections
From the University of Aukland
British Library World Music Online
Recordings from the British Library's collections of World Music, organized by continent.
Irish Traditional Music Archive
Includes sound recordings, books, videos, manuscripts and images selected from the physical collections.
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