Searching Google like a Scholar
After using the SVC Library databases, you can find scholarly sources from Google if you use some tricks. Follow the hints given to learn these tricks and help guarantee success.
Google provides ways to fine tune a search but they are not obvious. It is necessary to follow the steps below. Learn how Google formulates a search to retrieve what you need.
Begin by doing a simple search, for example:nutrition. You will retrieve 260,000, 000 hits!
Before starting a Google search, look to the lowerr right corner of the page for Settings. Click on it and select Advanced Search, which may become your new best friend!
Advanced Search enables you to learn to formulate a search in the way Google does. Our search is for nutrtion for type 1 diabetics We want to include all important terms but may want to also exclude some. So, let’s create a search using the Advanced Search options:
Find pages with…. Each line has directions on the right
All of these words: nutrition Individual word(s) you want to appear in results
This exact word or phrase: meat consumption Google use quotations “meat consumption"
Any of these words: Google adds an ‘or’ between like words
None of these words: amazon Google puts a – before the word: -amazon
Then narrow your results by:
Language: Not a concern as most results are in English
Region: Country only so you could add United States
Last update: Only use if you are concerned with dates
Site or domain: .gov or To limit results, in our case .gov is good
Safe search: Use if you feel you need to
File type: Selecting a pdf file may get you articles or brochures
Click on Advanced Search - look at the search box created by Google = nutrition "eating meat" -amazon
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