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Student Research Guide WQ24/ TikTok's Impact on the Brain

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Shelby Smith

Top 10 Resources


  • Arillotta, D., Floresta, G., Guirguis, A., Corkery, J. M., Catalani, V., Martinotti, G., Sensi, S. L., & Schifano, F. (2023). GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and Related Mental Health Issues; Insights from a Range of Social Media Platforms Using a Mixed-Methods Approach. Brain Sciences (2076-3425), 13(11), 1503.

Facts from real professors and studies. And from the author that attended many schools about psychology, and the department of neuroscience.



The source talks about TikTok users age 10-19 ended up struggling with mental health issues. "TikTok can serve as a source of entertainment and create a sense of community during isolation and lockdown periods as a result of Covid-19. However, in the absence of physical contact with peers TikTok could lead to adverse health and social outcomes in young people. In particular, those aged 11 to 17 are susceptible to social influences, and the content they are exposed to on TikTok can lead them down a slippery slope (5)."


  • Basch CH, Donelle L, Fera J, Jaime C Deconstructing TikTok Videos on Mental Health: Cross-sectional, Descriptive Content Analysis. 

This source explains how TikTok is so popular among teenagers and young adults because of the visual content and information. 


  • Barry, Ellen."Social Media Use is Linked to Brain Changes in Teens, Research Finds" The New York Times. 2023.

This source explains that TikTok causes changes in teenagers brains because of how much ttime hey are scrolling and spending on TikTok.


  • "Is Your Teen Feeling Anxious? Get them Off TikTok: It's Clear from Research that Activities Devoid of Phones and the Internet Improve Teenagers' Happiness." Daily Times, May 06, 2023. ProQuest,

This source proves that TikTok worsens teens anxiety and mental health.


  • Sha, P.; Dong, X. Research on Adolescents Regarding the Indirect Effect of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress between TikTok Use Disorder and Memory Loss. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 8820.

This source shows the mediating effects of TikToks on teenagers. Worsening their mental health issues and even creating memory loss.



  • SOYUDOĞAN, M.; ABDALLİ, R. H. Sympathizing with Gen-Z: Reflections of Social Media Culture in TikTok. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, [s. l.], v. 22, n. 4, p. 1113–1136, 2023. DOI 10.21547/jss.1340168. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jan. 2024.

The article explains how social media has become more essential to peoples lives, especially to gen-z.It explains the gen-z culture and TikTok playing a big role in our lives and being essential to us.



It’s a almost direct answer to my research question. It talks about how social media does not benefit the users. I connected with the article. TikTok is like a rabbit hole and there are more negative It goes in depth on the harms of social media on peoples health.




The article talks about how TikTok preys on vulnerable people. Making conditions like eating disorders, addiction and other mental health conditions worse.I made a connection with how TikTok can worsen conditions.




The source says TikTok has a corrosive impact on mental health on young men and women in the united states. TikTok takes over our brains and abrupts our life. TikTok distracts teens brains from their lives and leaves them laying in bed all day scrolling on TikTok.


Top 5-10 Recommended Keywords/Search Terms on the Topic


  1. "Social Media"  AND "TikTok"
  2. "TikTok" AND "The Brain"
  3. "TikTok impacts"
  4. "Social Media" AND "Mental Health"
  5. "Mental Health" AND "TikTok"
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