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Disability Awareness Guide

This guide provides a variety of resources on disability and disability awareness.

What is this page for?

This page provides research resources

Search terms

  • When doing research on a topic, the more specific the terms entered into a search box, the fewer results you will get. 
  • Good practice means that you may have to experiment with your terms and use the results you find to help you hone in on the best ones for your needs.
  • Combine 2 terms with the word AND to refine a search
  • Use OR between to words to search for 2 related options 

Here are some examples of search terms linked to the library catalog:



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Developmental Disabilities



Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Physical Disabilities

Psychiatric Disabilities

Social Disabilities

Section 504

OneSearch Tutorial

Databases for research

  1. What are databases for? Use the research databases to locate in-depth research articles in newspapers, magazines, and scholary journals or academic sources. Search with specific search terms
  2. How do I start? To do a search, select a database (if off campus, login with your SVC username and password) and enter your terms
  3. LINKS:

Streaming Film/Media

Try searching our streaming film/media databases, these can also count as research sources (check with your instructor first)

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