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Global Issues Guide: Home

A starting point for a wide range of global issues topics


This research guide provides some resources as a starting point for a variety of Global Issues

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Getting Started - Top Choices!

Search for books, ebooks, videos, and more: OneSearch

  1. With OneSearch, you can search everything (including the Internet) or limit the search to the library catalog or databases. 
  2. Search the library catalog to find books & videos. 
  3. Ebooks are included in the library catalog or can be searched in Academic Search Premier. 

Search for credible articles online: Databases A-Z

  1. Library databases are provided by different companies and have unique features.  For that reason, we recommend that students search the databases individually for the best results. 
  2. Databases that are especially useful for these topics are listed below:

Websites for research and data gathering

Sometimes websites can provide excellent resources to support your ideas. Make sure you are checking the credibility of the internet source by checking with your instructor, a librarian, or by using tools for evaluating sources.

The following are a few reliable internet sources to try:

  • Allsides - Balanced news/ media bias 
  • Brookings Institution - Non-profit Public Policy. Researches societal issues.
  • - Open data from the U.S. Government
  • Futurity - Published research from top universities
  • OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) - Provides evidence-based international data on a range of global issues 
  • Pew Research - Nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
  • - Fact checking site
  • World Factbook from the CIA - Provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
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