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Teaching & Learning Guide: Guided Pathways

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Provides resources for Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways at Washington State's Community and technical Colleges

Recent Reports

Building Blocks: Laying the Groundwork for Guided Pathways Reform in Ohio.  September 2017

Abstract: This report describes how Ohio’s two-year colleges are approaching guided pathways reforms, based on on-site interviews with faculty, administrators, staff, and students at six selected community colleges and telephone interviews with representatives from all 23 Ohio community colleges. In these interviews participants were asked to describe their college’s progress in the four main areas of practice in the guided pathways model: mapping pathways to student end goals, helping students choose and enter a program pathway, keeping students on path, and ensuring that students are learning.

Implementing Guided Pathways:  Early Insights from AACC Pathways Colleges by Davis Jenkins, Hana Lahr, & John Fink. Community College Research Center (CCRR) April 2017.

Drawing on data from telephone interviews with project teams from all 30 colleges, along with in-depth two-day site visits at six of the colleges, the report describes how the AACC Pathways colleges are approaching guided pathways reforms in each of the model’s four main practice areas:

  1. mapping pathways to student end goals;
  2. helping students choose and enter a program pathway;
  3. keeping students on path; and
  4. ensuring that students are learning.

What is Guided Pathways?

Guided by the carefully crafted Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles, Washington State guided pathways reform is a student-centered framework grounded in equity-minded praxis designed to increase and diversify the students and communities accessing and earning high value community college credentials. The systemic institutional approach focuses on the construction of a transparent, structured educational experience that effectively engages each student from point of entry to attainment of high-quality postsecondary credentials and careers. 

See the Washington State Board Website for more information

Learn More About Guided Pathways: Create a Roadmap for Student Success

The guided pathways model is built upon three important design principles.

First, colleges’ program redesigns must pay attention to the entire student experience, rather than to just one segment of it (such as developmental education or the intake process).

Second, a guided pathways redesign is not the next in a long line of discrete reforms, but rather a framework or general model that helps unify a variety of reform elements around the central goal of helping students choose, enter, and complete a program of study aligned with students’ goals for employment and further education.

Third, the redesign process starts with student end goals for careers and further education in mind and “backward maps” programs and supports to ensure that students are prepared to thrive in employment and education at the next level."   (AACC)

Redesigning America's Community Colleges

"Redesigning America's Community Colleges" Fifolt, Matthew, Phd. College and University; Washington  v. 91, n. 2 (Spring 2016) 79-82,84.   According to Bailey, Jaggars, and Jenkins, community colleges have played an integral role in improving education equity, developing students' skills and talents, and helping students achieve their academic and career aspirations. According to the authors, this apparent separation of academic content from skills-based learning results in students' failure to develop the capacities needed to work harder and persist longer at academic tasks 

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