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Information Literacy

Introduction and options for information literacy curriculum at SVC

What is Information Literacy?

Information Literacy at SVC Library

What is Information Literacy?

Currently defined by the American Libraries Association:

"Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning."

For Faculty


SVC Librarians are committed to collaborating with faculty in offering information literacy instruction and tools in support of pedagogical needs. 

Understanding that every class and instructor will have different goals and outcomes, we can provide a variety of tools that can be customized to fit desired needs.

Information literacy components might include:

  • Self-paced Canvas modules that you can import into your class,
  • Library Guides to teach from or refer to that introduce evaluation tools and other resources for assignments, or provide tools for navigating misinformation,
  • Sychronous online or on-ground instruction sessions with a librarian who demonstrates using library resources effectively, how to identify scholarly sources in research databases, how to evaluate internet sources, etc.
  • Videos about using specific sources or tools for research,
  • One on one consultations with students, and more.

Some specific format options are listed below, but feel free to reach out to discuss your needs with us. (

  • SVC created Videos: Ask us to create a Panopto video for you directed at an assignment, to provide research tips, or any other specific information you want your students to know.
  • Tutorials: Visit our tutorials page to see existing video tutorials created by SVC faculty that cover a wide range of topics. Such topics include finding a book in the library, using specific databases for research, citation tutorials, Reader's Apprenticeship tips, and more.
  • In-Class Instruction: Request customized instruction from an SVC librarian by filling out this form.
  • Prepared Canvas Modules: We offer 6 standardized Library Research modules, including assessments, that can be imported into your courses via Canvas Commons

    Find them in Commons by searching "SVC Libraries." 

  • Credo Quick Tips Videos: A series of very short (1- 2 minutes) research quick tips available from Credo database. Students and faculty will login with SVC username and password.
  • Library 201: A five-credit Introduction to Critical Information Studies and Research Methods course, aimed at helping students become savvy information consumers and navigate the world of academic research. Contact Elena Bianco ( or Libby Sullivan ( for additional information or for Learning Community opportunities.
  • Library Research Guides: There are multple guides to choose from to enhance learning and access. Contact Libby Sullivan ( to make a suggestion or develop a guide for your class
  • Embedded Librarians: Invite SVC librarians to your classroom to scaffold information literacy concepts throughout (
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