Courses for student success . "Learning to Learn" provides tools and skills necessary to be successful in an academic setting and the workplace. "Succeed with math" and "Overcoming math anxiety: a workshop"
OER for 50+ courses with etextbooks, video, interactives, and more. Individual student learning tools and faculty support. Supports inclusive & accessible platform
Materials used in the teaching of over 2200 MIT's courses are available on the web, Free. Some textbooks ($10-$30), video lectures, readings, assignments. CC BY NC SA 3.0
Washington State OCL offers 81 introductory highest enrolled college courses. Collections of course materials that cost $30 or less. Use, adapt, and share.
Comprehensive accurate OER search engine of available open education classes by institution, language, or category. Academic courses, support services, workforce development. Check license information
317 Introductory college liberal arts and STEM courses Also, business, computer science, and professional development. (CC BY 3.0) 100 open textbooks (CC BY NC SA 3.0). University and K-12.
Lists free science resources designed to support remote science education. This directory is updated as new resources are identified. Note that, while all resources in this directory are free, not all are open. Resources that carry Creative Commons or otherwise open licences are clearly labelled.