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Student Research Guide WQ24/ Effects of AI Plagiarism

Student Research Guide for Library 201/ Noah Pelletier

What is this Guide for?


AI Plagiarism and its Affect on Students and Faculty

 This is a student created research guide for English 102 & Library 201 Learning community

This guide will go over the current conflict of AI plagiarism and it's ever-growing popularity. Detailing the affect on student's educational growth and the response from faculty and AI programs itself. 

  • The research thesis of this guide is to explore the impact of artificial intelligence plagiarism and the conflict of students utilizing this program to unknowingly plagiarize entire papers and what faculty can do about it.

In a numbered or bulleted list, provide some specific research questions on your topic that you intend to respond to with your guide:

The research questions addresses in this guide are:

  1. How is artificial intelligence prevalent in the classroom amongst students?
  2. What is school faculty doing to combat the issue of plagiarism through artificial intelligence?
  3. What applications are being utilized to commit this plagiarism and are there programs to fight against it?



In the latest 5 years artificial intelligence has become increasingly more intelligent and quicker to produce results, recently within the school district students have gotten their hands on these programs (ChatGPT, Google Bard, etc.) they can easily utilize these programs to write full sized essays and turn it in to their classes without doing a large percentage of the work and learning the information presented. I believe not only the students finding ways to work around actually doing work is an issue, but also the fact that students might be unaware that they are plagiarizing numbers of different journalists and authors. How is artificial intelligence prevalent in the classroom amongst students? The methodology used was a search for reliable articles found in Google Scholar, SVC databases, and differing universities. The results of this research were surprisingly limited, there haven’t been many studies done on how artificial intelligence is plagiarizing multiple different notorious news sources and artists. But also, it was extremely limited in how artificial intelligence is affecting students and the way they’re learning in the classrooms. Although the evidence that was shown for students and artificial intelligence tend to have a tone that lacks hope in the subject matter. Most sources suggest that classrooms should learn to work alongside ChatGPT rather than trying to find a way to detect and combat the problem. Implications would be that researchers need to spend less time focusing on artificial intelligence as a whole and more in depth about how it is affecting the youth and how artificial intelligence is plagiarizing huge news sources without crediting them.

Background Information

The becoming of artificial intelligence and its grasp on school districts have become an overwhelmingly more concerning problem as these programs not only get more popular amongst the masses, but also more intelligence given more time to learn. Learning how to combat these programs and reduce the impact it has on students with reliance on these artificial intelligence programs is a must, not only that but understanding how these programs are affecting the students and younger generations and what can be down to prevent long-lasting impacts of reliance on AI


Main Issues:

  • Availability to students and easy usage
  • Lack of information on artificial intelligence
  • The constant growth of AI programs intelligence

Historical Timeline:

  • 2012; AlexNet (470 petaFLOP): A pivotal deep learning neural network that could recognize images of objects such as cars at almost a human level
  • 2020; GPT-3 (314M petaFLOP): Artificial Intelligence that was able to produce high-quality text that was almost indistinguishable from human writing
  • 2021; NEO (1.1M petaFLOP): An algorithm utilized by Facebook to determine what would best fit on your time-line based on likes, search history, etc.
  • 2021; DALL-E (47M petaFLOP): One of the first AI programs to generate high-quality images from description
  • 2022; PaLM (2.5B petaFLOP): Generate high-quality text, explain jokes, explain cause and effect, and other highly intelligent activities.
  • 2022; Minerva (2.7B petaFLOP): Able to solve complex mathematical problems at a college level
  • (FLOP is a measurement for AI programs, one flop is the equivalent to one addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of two decimal numbers)

Video, Graph, or Image

Should we let students use ChatGPT?

This Ted talk describes the usage of ChatGPT in a classroom and discusses the question of if we should allow them to use it or if we should try and restrict it. It brings up important discussion points such as the improbability to avoid it in a classroom and discusses implementing it into the classroom.

Source citation:

Ted. (2023). "Natasha Berg: Should we let students use ChatGPT?". [Video]. Youtube.

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