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Make a Great STEM Presentation

Guidelines, Information, and Resources for STEM Presentations

What is a poster presentation?

What is a poster presentation?

"A poster presentation is a way to communicate your research or your understanding of a topic in a concise and visually engaging format. A poster presentation usually includes two elements:

  • a poster
  • a brief verbal explanation of the poster content or topic (often less than 5 minutes).

A poster will generally be placed alongside other students' posters on a wall or an online platform, where audience members can view it. In some poster presentations, there may also be opportunity to answer questions from the audience (typically academic staff, other students, or friends and family).

To be successful, make sure you develop your poster content carefully, design the poster to engage and inform your viewer, and present your ideas effectively." (~ Monash University)

SVC Guidelines for Poster Presentations

SVC Poster Guidelines and Submission:


  • 36 inches by 24 inches


  • 24 pt size or larger
  • For descriptive title - 72 pt font size or larger



  • Students, staff, faculty, family, and friends who may be unfamiliar with terminology and have no prior knowledge in the sciences.

Include the following required components:

  • A descriptive title (72 pt font size or larger)
  • Names of authors (students and faculty)
  • Name of Institution for all authors (Skagit Valley College)
  • Background/introduction information
  • Figures/tables/images of results
  • Figure legend included for each figure, table, image presented in poster. Figure legend should include a short description of results presented in figures/tables/image.
  • Main conclusion of research
  • References

How to submit:

  • Posters will be submitted through Canvas in STEM courses
  • Deadline for poster submission:
    • Deadline for poster submission TBD
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