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What is Romance?

Romance is a type of fiction genre (literary categories of fiction) that features romantic relationships, love, and human interaction.

heart with emphasis lines

Follow this link to view  a list of Romance Titles

Some Examples of Romance books in the Library - click cover to view

Book cover with woman in pink Regency era dress walking towards the reader.
Blue book cover with two boys looking at the sky.
Dark blue book cover with a crown and a thistle growing out of the crown.
Book cover with a red old-fashion pickup truck parked in a grassy field.
Red book cover with the title in cursive script and a diamond wedding ring.
Yello book cover with a Mexican street during a festival and two young lover with their heads together.
Blue book cover with a red headed girl and a young boy connected by headphones.
Pink book cover with a bride entangled in the pink letters of the title.
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