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What are Science Fiction Books?

Science Fiction is a type of fiction genre (literary categories of fiction) that features time travel, space invasions, parallel universes, extraterrestrials, and speculative futuristic concepts.

Follow this link to view a list of Science Fiction Titles

Some Examples of Science Fiction books in the Library - click cover to view

A book cover with a stary sky and a face of an young African American woman.
Red book cover with hand and black lettering.
Green book cover with an insect-like alien in the cross-hairs of  a weapon.
Red, black, white, and orange book cover with the silhoutte of a woman's face surrounded by iconography related to the book.
Book cover with a sprout growing out of the ground in the shape of the letter S.
White book cover with red letters that sepll out the title,
Light teal book cover with plastic stars falling from the sky.
Orange and red book cover with a man in a space suit falling backwards.
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