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Antiracism Resources: Students & Community

Resources and information on antiracism

Washington State Resources

  • SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)
    A national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work for racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.
  • Washington Community Action Network
    Our mission is to achieve racial, gender, economic, and social equity in order to establish a democratic society characterized by justice and fairness, with respect for diversity, and a decent quality of life for all those who reside in Washington.
  • La Resistencia
    A grassroots organization based in Washington State working to end the detention of immigrants and stop deportations.
  • Blacks United in Leadership
    Leaders at all levels of BUILD have taken part in cross-organizational training, perspective sharings, and testimonials to help our partners and allies across the state gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impacts their individual and institutional actions have on the black community.
  • Solid Ground
    Organization that combines direct services with community-based advocacy. They support individuals and work to undo racism and other oppressions that create barriers – so everyone can achieve their full potential.
  • Social Justice Organizations in Washington State (from UW)
    Provides a comprehensive list of links to various social justice organizations in Washington State
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