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Child Development I & II Educ& 115 & 122: Using the Library

Child development from prenatal to early adolescence.

What is this Guide for?

The purpose of this guide is to inform and support students in Child Development and Early Childhood Education classes in using the SVC library, in doing research, and by providing relevant resources.

How to use OneSearch

Searching OneSearch - the library catalog

Search the library catalog for books,eBooks, and DVDs:

To see only items available in the library, try changing the search from "Everything" to "Library Catalog"

Your search will look like this:



These are examples of search terms to try, some are linked examples:
(HINTS: use "quotation marks" to search a phrase, use an asterisk * for variations on endings of words)

"child care"

"child development"

"cognitive psychology AND child*"

"developmentally appropriate practice"

"early childhood education"

"early childhood development"

"toddler development"

"infant development"

Subject Headings to look for

Subject headings can help locate materials on your topic or you can browse the stacks using general call numbers.

Here are some subject headings relevant to Child Development and their location numbers in the Dewey Decimal System:

  • Adolescence    301.431
  • Child Care  362.712  
  • Child Development   305.23   
  • Child Psychology    155.4
  • Cognitive Learning   370.152
  • Developmental Psychology   155
  • Family   306.8
  • Infants Development  305.231
  • Parent and Child   306.874
  • Parenting   649.1
  • Special education   371.9
  • Toddlers Development   305.231

"The Best" Reference Resources Online

Access these resources from off-campus using your MySVC Login and Password

Credo Reference
Provides access to over 900 general and specialized online reference books in one place. Sources include medicine, psychology, social sciences, and science. 

Some examples of relevant titles:

Provides reference articles (overview and basic facts), primary sources, and images.

Films On Demand

Streaming video.  Topics include all aspects of child development.
Some examples of relevant titles:

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Provides psychology and medical reference books online.
Some examples of relevant titles:

"The Best" Article Databases

Select an online database from the list below to find articles from magazines, newspapers and journals.

From off campus use your MySVC Login and Password

Library Help

All Content CC-BY.
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