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Sociology 101: Soc101: Sociology Home

Resources for Sociology 101

What is this guide for?

This guide provides information and access to SVC Library resources for Sociology 101

Guide Contents

  1. Getting Started - Choosing Keywords & Creating Search Strings, Using OneSearch
  2. Journals & Databases - What are they and how do I use them?
  3. Websites & Internet Searching - Tips and best practices

Before getting started, watch this short video about choosing and creating good keywords to help you search more efficiently.

Library OneSearch

Search the library catalog - also known as OneSearch - for library resources relating to sociology. OneSearch allows you to search for EVERYTHING the library has and can include physical items. If you follow the steps below, you can look for only online resources which will include online articles of all types, and eBooks.

  1. Type your search terms into the Search box below.
  2. Don't forget to combine important concepts of your search with the words AND,OR, NOT
  3. To select ONLY ONLINE materials, choose the filter to the left-hand side of your results that says "Available Online"
  4. It will look like this: 
  5. Still need help? Watch the OneSearch Tutorial on this page.

Use the OneSearch to find books, articles, videos and more. It's like Google for the SVC Library!

Library Help

Before getting started, watch this short video about creating search strings with your keywords

OneSearch Tutorial - How to search the library catalog

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