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Sociology 101: Soc101: Journals & Databases

Resources for Sociology 101

Find Journals Relating to Sociology

Some of the journals titles relating to sociology that you will find in our databases are the following:

Sociology of Education, Sociology of Health and Illness, International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.

To find Journals relating to sociology in the library, take the following steps, from the Library homepage.

Select "Journal Finder" (highlighted below):

  1. undefined
  2. Type "sociology" into the search bar and hit enter:undefined
  3. You'll see a list of results (about 37). Select to search in any of the titles by clicking on the title of the journal.
  4. To search within the journal, you'll see a box where you can type your search terms and hit enter:


Proquest Tutorial

Watch the following for a brief tutorial on how to use the Proquest database:

Library Databases

What is a Library databases? Library databases are great places to find credible articles online for research. They are reliable, searchable, and can provide citation information on your sources.

What is a scholarly source or a peer-review? These are just special kinds of articles that are more academic in nature than a popular magazine or newspaper article. Peer-reviews are articles that are rigorously evaluated by experts in the field. Scholarly or academic works tend to be studies, or contain data and lots of technical language. You can usually select this type of source in almost any database.

How do I access the databases? From the library homepage, you can access the library databases. It will look like this:

Access databases from home with your SVC username and password.

The following links are direct links to databases you might try for your research:

Academic Search Complete

Credo Reference


Facts on File: Issues and Controversies

Proquest (see tutorial on this page)

Also try searching in our Streaming videos for resources:

Films On Demand


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