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Overdue, Lost or Damaged Materials

Patrons are responsible for replacement costs for damaged or unreturned items checked out from the library.

Overdue Materials: Students with overdue materials cannot check out items until they return those still on their record. As soon as overdue items are returned, more items can be checked out from the library.

Account Holds: Your college registration or transcripts may be placed on hold if you have excessive fines for lost or damaged items. These actions may prevent you from registering for classes.  Please allow 1 to 2 business days for the Business Office to remove registration holds after an item is returned or paid. Also, please note that other fines (such as parking, tuition, etc.) may also result in holds to your student account, even if a library fine is resolved.

Before accounts are placed on hold, the student receives a series of auto-generated reminders. Please pay attention to your email.

After a period of time, the Business Office will send unpaid student accounts to the college’s preferred collections agency.

Here is a list of Replacement costs for lost or damaged library materials:

Items Replacement Cost
Laptops* $800
Hotspots* $50
Laptop Chargers $30
Laptop Cases $25
Books $15
Calculators $100
Calculator Charger $5
Cameras/Camcorder/Other The full cost of the item

*Unreturned laptops or hotspots are de-activated remotely 

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