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people sitting at a table with a gear overhead   Library Spaces


The libraries offer a variety of options for both group and independent study. We have several comfortable soft seating areas, study carrels, large and small tables, puzzles, and some tabletop game options.

Ask us about using our spaces for clubs, meetings, or events!


Study Rooms

Both the Mount Vernon and Whidbey campus libraries have study rooms that may be reserved for group study or individual work. Students, Staff, or Faculty may reserve the rooms. All locations feature wireless access.

Mount Vernon Campus Library:

  • Rooms 117, 118, and 119 hold 2-5 people. 
  • Rooms may be reserved for a maximum of two hours for one group. 
  • Reservations are forfeited after ten minutes past reserve time. 
  • Groups have priority use over individuals for these rooms. 
  • Individuals may be asked to give up a study room if needed by a group.  
  • These rooms are equipped with flat-screen monitors and computers.  
  • Reservations are made at the circulation desk and may be made up to one week in advance in person or by calling 360.416.7837.

Whidbey Island Campus Library:

  • Rooms H126 and H127 accommodates 4-6 people and contains a computer, table, and white board. They are reserved for 2 hours but can be extended if no one is waiting. These rooms may be reserved  by checking in at the front desk or by calling 360.679.5322.
  • Room H122 is a designated Quiet Study Area and also serves as a classroom for Research Skills Instruction. Clubs/groups can reserve the room in advance as long as its not scheduled for a class. Ask at the desk.
  • Room H124B contains a white board, and three additional computers for group work.


Cardinal Creation Center: