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On Campus Printing


Every student has $5.00 for printing attached to their student accounts each quarter through a printing account called PaperCut. This amount does carry over into other quarters (Fall through Spring only) and money can be added if it runs out before the quarter ends. The standard cost per page is $.03 for black and white or $.13 per page for color.

In order to print, students need to obtain a printing fob which are available at the library front desk. Ask for help in getting your account set-up initially. Once you have associated a fob to your account, the fob is yours to keep and you can send print jobs to any printer on campus from an SVC computer. 

On Campus Technology Resources

The SVC Libraries have "labs" or desktop computers with double monitors available in both libraries. There are also a variety of locations for plugging in or charging laptops and other devices.

  • For more information about checking out library technology such as laptops, see the Borrow and Request page.

WiFi access spots at SVC:


QR code for Mount Vernon WiFi spots                         QR code for Whidbey Island campus WiFi spots

Off Campus Low Cost Technology Sources

Free Tech Support:

TechConnect Washington Community Helpdesk provides FREE technical support to Washington residents, available in many languages. Open: 8 AM - 8 PM (7 Days A Week).

Free Cell Phones:

A Federal Communications Commission’s program to make communications services accessible to low-income consumers in Washington State. Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on monthly telephone service, broadband Internet access service, or voice-broadband bundled service purchased from participating providers.


Xfinity has WiFi hotspots throughout our service area to make sure you’re always connected. These hotspots give you WiFi and are free to Xfinity Mobile customers and eligible* Xfinity Internet and Comcast Business Internet customers.


Keyboarding Help: